任何挫折的發生,背後都隱藏著生生不息、環環相扣的希望。 Behind every setback is an opportunity with endless hope. 不知您是否有對於所努力的感情卻得不到…
任何挫折的發生,背後都隱藏著生生不息、環環相扣的希望。 Behind every setback is an opportunity with endless hope. 不知您是否有對於所努力的感情卻得不到…
熱忱 ─ 就是不管任何困難來打擊你時,你都是保有一股向前衝、往前看的動力。 Passion – It’s the drive that keeps you moving forward and lookin…
人生要有一個很好的跳板,除了要有運氣及際遇,還要有一顆勇於去接受挑戰的心。 In life, people need a perfect stepping stone for success, and that requir…
從身不由己當中去找到自己存在的價值,從靈活變通中創造屬於自己的快樂。 Find the value of your existence in circumstances beyond your control, and craft…
人生是一趟奇妙的旅程,走到哪看到哪。可以事前計畫,但計畫趕不上變化時,即要改變心態順著走 Life is a wonderful journey. You never know where it’l…
做任何事情不要只是看失去的,其實你得到的早就掌握在你手中了 Don’t just focus on what you have lost, in fact, you already have everything you need. 人…
任何的不順遂用感恩的心去看待,感覺就會不同 Overcoming challenges with a thankful hearts, and the feeling will be different. 刺眼的烈陽曬得皮膚灼痛卻…
人生只要保有一顆不怕困難、跌倒了隨時再站起來的心,永遠都是贏家 Do not let your heart be afraid. Pick yourself up from where you have fallen, you will…
與其煩惱人生,不如把煩惱的時間花在解決問題上 Worrying won’t help you solve problems, it will just waste your time and energy. 靜寧反思靈語猶如…
心存善念~所經之路,拂照之光 With benevolent thoughts in the heart,the path gently warmth along its journey. 藉由靜寧反思靈語讓我們短暫的停下腳步引領…